You’ve probably seen the Ask an SEO columns from some lesser known SEO blogs out there. They curate a bunch of questions from their user base and pose them to well known SEOs to answer – only most of the questions are don’t apply directly to your situation or your website. These posts focus on broad SEO questions that apply to lots of people, but not your one client who is doing things their own way.
Until now, we as an industry have had to wait patiently for Gary and John to do office hours or get on stage at a conference to ask those tough questions that take 10 minutes to ask and only apply to your specific site. No More!
Introducing the WTFSEO SEO AI. We’ve put together NLP, NLU, AI, TFIDF, SEO, Neural Networks, and 14 other technology acronyms which our developers ignored and created our own sophisticated AI just to handle these complicated SEO questions.
Go ahead, ask your question below and our AI will give you specific SEO advice.
Ask an SEO AI:
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